Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Harry Bensley made a bet that he could travel around the world incognito, wearing the helm from a suit of armor. No surprise that he failed. This was only 35 years after Phileas Fogg made his fictional trip by balloon, boat, train, and various means.

Dave Kunst was the first verified pedestrian to make the trip (with the exception of the oceans). Dave's trip took four years and cost the life of his brother. True story.

Karl Bushby and Rosie Swale-Pope are taking the trip to it's extreme. They are going across the world by way of the frozen Bering Strait. I met Karl and Rosie several years ago when they walked through the village of Shaktoolik.

Rosie has crossed two-thirds of the world so far. Karl's goal is to walk around the world with unbroken footsteps. Karl and Rosie will likely complete their trips if they continue as planned. Amazing.

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