Monday, June 9, 2008

Court Dismisses Clean Water Initiative 1


The Supreme Court made its decision after the 'Clean Water 1' sponsors and Parnell filed a motion last week asking the court to drop their appeals of conflicting lower court rulings on the initiative.
Now, Ballot Measure 4 is the only one in legal limbo.
Pending a Supreme Court ruling, it is scheduled to appear on the statewide election ballot in August.
The folks who want to limit mining in Alaska fought long and hard to get their ballot initiatives approved. Now they are backing off a little. Seems that Clean Water 1 is being sacrificed in hopes of getting #4 passed.

Looking into my crystal ball... Looks hazy and somewhat fulvous... Must be the 4 billion tons of copper and gold shining through the smog of our new Pebble mine.

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