Sunday, October 21, 2007

Relaxing at home

It is 1:30 on Sunday, but I find myself still thinking about Saturday. Saturday was a busy day in the Knoll family. It was Katie's birthday and Jeff is in town for flight school. But I spent most of the day herding my little ones.

First thing yesterday morning, I did some shopping for my son. It was Jon's turn to bring snacks for his basketball team. And I was supposed to get a birthday present for Jon's little friend - which I forgot... more on that later.

Jon, Ruth, and I then drove over to her basketball game. Uh-oh, Ruth forgot her socks! After coaching my daughter (who wore little brother's socks), I rushed her over to Jon's game to deliver the socks just in time.

Jon's game ended just in time to attend the birthday party, but we forgot to buy a present. With no time for shopping, we made our apologies for arriving an hour late and empty-handed. We'll make it up somehow.

Next I took the two little kids and their dog Lacy to the park to run around for an hour. When we got home, we said happy birthday to Katie and ate a few sandwiches. Elmer, Doll, Wes, and Denita came to visit for a while and then they all followed Cody to watch his basketball game.

Cody and Jeff went out for a movie and I put the younger kids to bed. Next time I saw Jeff & Katie was Sunday @ 1PM as they came in the front door. Apparently Cody, Ruth and Katie stayed out with their friends or Aunt or somewhere. (Nobody told me ahead of time so I still don't know where Cody is.)

Edit: It is now 2PM and Shyrel just woke up. She's looking over my shoulder and says Cody is at Aunt Ebba's.

So now I am going back to my relaxing Sunday with the little ones. Ruthie just dealt out another hand of cards for Jon and me to play 'War'. I lost the first hand, gotta go.

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