Friday, November 2, 2007

Teacher's test protest leads to reprimand

On Tuesday, a Wisconsin teacher refused to administer a test mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act. David Wasserman received a letter of reprimand and will be fired if he refuses to administer the test again.

Now I don't know if Mr. Wasserman was standing on principle or just slacking off. But his actions set a terrible example for students.

Civil disobedience and intelligent discourse have their place in society. But Mr. Wasserman didn't have the moral high ground. His protest ended quickly and he was back to proctoring a test on Thursday. This was a mere publicity stunt, at best.

If you decide to make a protest, PLEASE do it with positive actions and words. Do NOT let your protest be one of inaction and insubordination. Choose your cause wisely and be willing to follow through.

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